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HomeDiversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources

DEI Resources

The League of Women Voters of Johnson County is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success and in engaging all individuals, households, community and policymakers in creating a more perfect democracy.
LWVJoCo strives to support members in their efforts build awareness. Below are resources to help us embody a more inclusive, welcoming and diverse organization. 




DEI Education Modules

LWVUS put together a guide to assist all members in embracing this commitment to DEI. We've highlighted the modules below. 

Section 1: The Basics
The objective of this section is to provide a basic overview of what DEI is, what we mean by common DEI terms, and why DEI is so important to our League work.
Intended audience: Those new to DEI work; those new to the League

Section 2: Individual Learning and Internal Evaluation 
The objective of this section is to provide resources to assist with education and evaluation of DEI at an individual level. 

Intended audience: Those who understand the basics of DEI and want more on how to commit to and understand DEI as an individual. 

Section 3: DEI Lens and League Work

The objective of this section is to provide tools and education on how Leagues can apply a DEI Lens to all of their League work and center DEI in that work .

Intended audience: All League Members. It is recommended that the resources in this section be used as part of DEI related League meetings and trainings.

Section 4: Beyond the Basics

The objective of this section is to offer supplemental resources for those who have reviewed and applied the other resources and are looking for ways to deepen their DEI education and be a strong voice for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 

Intended audience: Individuals who feel educated and empowered to take their DEI work to a deeper level.

Books, Articles and Other Resources

We are all on a journey of DEI exploration as a League and as individuals. The following are resources LWVJoCo's DEI Committee have found worthwhile.

Harvard's Project Implicit A tool to help us understand our own implicit and unconscious biases.

LWVUS DEI webinars LWVUS has hosted numerous webinars on various topics related to DEI.


The League of Women Voters was founded in 1920 by white leaders of the women’s suffrage movement.  As LWVUS CEO Virginia Case noted on 8/26/19 celebrating the 99th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment:
“The path to women’s suffrage was complicated, and sometimes ugly. History books tend mostly to credit the courage and tenacity of white women. It is past time to amend the history books and tell the real story of the suffrage movement. It is past time we all celebrate the women of color who were at the center of the movement alongside their white counterparts….So, as we celebrate this great achievement, we do so with recognition that women’s suffrage was not perfect.  Progress towards a more perfect democracy is often messy, but we can’t allow the ends to justify the means, especially if they perpetuate oppression. Let us use the lessons of our history to inform our present and our future. Let us seek out ways to ensure all eligible voters have their voices heard and their votes counted.”

A resource: The Untold Story of Women of Color in the League of Women Voters, by Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins, Praeger, February 29, 2020.


Tell Us What You Think

This is a “living document,” meaning this page and its purpose will evolve. If you have something to recommend, or you have questions or comments, email us at Contact Us.

Wherever we are on our journeys, whatever our lived experiences, the most important step is to begin.