Where she's from
Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Patty and her family moved to Prairie Village when she was 8 years old. She has lived in Johnson County (Olathe and currently Overland Park) ever since.
About her family
Patty is a widow. Her two children and their families (four grandchildren) live in Overland Park.
Why she joined the League
Patty reports that she has always respected the League of Women Voters. She joined in 2021 because of her attendance at a League Legislative Coffee and the positive reputation of the LWV. Wanting to get involved with League programs and to meet other members, she volunteered to work as a teacher in the “Voter Girl” program sponsored by the LWVJoCo and the Girl Scouts (Regional area troops). The Girl Scout participants ages K- 4, learned first-hand about the voting process and a citizen’s responsibility to vote, and they earned a Girl Scout badge.
What she thinks the League does well
Patty feels that the League’s various outreach programs are the very effective. She is pleased that LWVJoCo goes all-out on Voter Registration and outreach. Legislative Coffees, Monthly Meetings and Newsletters, Candidate forums, Vote 411 and the LWVJoCo website provide up-to-date, credible information about current state and national voting issues.
Where she would like to see the League focus in the future
Reaching as many people as possible with voter information/registration opportunities and candidate information should remain a League focus. Get-Out-the-Vote activity targeted at the 18-year-old voter, as well as non-voters in Johnson County, should be a focus in the future.
What she does to strengthen our democracy
Patty ALWAYS votes, puts the LWV sign-Your Vote Matters in her yard and encourages friends and family to vote.
Fun Fact
Patty is a veteran traveler, having been to Europe several times, the Caribbean, many National Parks, and the majority of states in the U.S.

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